Monday 17 December 2012

Special Treasures

Our special little girls, Halle(L) and Toi(R), asleep on our floor in front of our Christmas tree.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Kenya - Maasi Mara 2 (Aug '12)

The border between Kenya and Tanzania, and yes, I did enter Tanzania illegally without a visa.  I am a rebel!

Hippos sunning themselves by the river

This was the largest group of giraffe we saw, and there were more out of the picture too.

The big cats were all very well fed what with all the wilderbeest everywhere

And so were the vultures and other scavanger-ing type birds

We got bogged

Proof I was really there

It was so special to see this young elephant stop with his mum for a drink

More hippos

Warthogs on the run

If you look closely, you will see four baby cheetah cubs with their mum in this shot.  This was the highlight of my safari - so priviledged!!!

Kenya - Maasi Mara 1 (Aug '12)

Welcome to Maasi Mara

It's a bit difficult to see, but the first thing we saw was a herd of tourist vans.  The further into the park you go the fewer vans you see.

There were zebras everywhere

Can you spot the baby?

A pretty bird

We visited just on the time of the wilderbeest migration.  There were literally hundreds of thousands of them.  And wherever there were wilderbeest, there were zebras.

Up close and ugly

These guys were taking a siesta after a big feed

A lion and his lady - they refused to show their faces

Migrating wilderbeest - I could not capture the length of the line

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Kenya - Lake Nakuru (Aug '12)

We had a great driver, but our car had a few problems.  I think this was the 3rd time out of 4 in one day.  We were travelling between Amboseli and Lake Nakuru.  Made for extra fun and smiles :-)

Ready for action...

Pretty scenery and baboons

Kirsty, Sonia and myself at Lake Nakuru

How would you like a herd of these nasty looking creatures?



Lake Nakuru.  I think this was the prettiest park we went to.

Some of the birds we saw.  There were a lot of water birds at Lake Nakuru

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Kenya - Amboseli (Aug '12)

Our campsite was at the base of Mt Kilimanjaro.  Here are my travel buddies - Sonia and Kirsty

Our first elephant - but not our last...This one was HUGE!!!

Some pretty birds I have forgotten the name of.

African sunset

A funky shot of out safari van

The line of elephants extended on both directions, there were literally over a hundred elephants, 'teenaged' and calves as well as immature bull elephants

You did want to see me, didn't you?


Keeping an eye on his lady friends

I love this giraffe shot

Friday 12 October 2012

Banana Party

Aladine cutting down the banana tree
Becca, Rayda and Thumbati and our bananas, fresh off the tree

Removing it from our back yard

Halima and MaToiyfia

Cooking cassava over the fire
Cassava over the fire

Nayda and MaAladine braided hair in the quiet moments

Thumbati frying green bananas

The whole family :-)